Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Cute as a button

I've been planning to make a dress for my niece for her first birthday, and yesterday afternoon made this one to test out a pattern I've had for a while. It has turned out pretty well, so I think I'll probably give it to her anyway! It was really quick to make, so I might make some more for the next stall we do at our church's Art and Craft show. 

And after trawling the net for some more ideas for little girls dresses, I found one that looks like it would be very quick to whip up. Might give this a go tomorrow (I think I've got just the print for it...)

See Ellen Luckett Baker's blog:


  1. Hi Beth,
    How did you go today? Did you manage to try out the new pattern? I want to see how it goes for you. I love it when I can look at something and make it without too much hassle...
    Look forward to seeing more pics soon.

    1. Didn't get a chance to tackle it yesterday - I had mothers day shopping to get done and a flyer to send off for printing, as well as a young adults event last night... these things always take longer than anticipated! But today is my day for sewing. A load of washing and the cleaning is done, so I feel I can justify some me-time! I've got 4 combinations of fabrics and notions ready to go for some different designs, so I'll post them once I've finished... stay tuned!
